Does your child struggle with an overbite? This problem can affect their basic oral function and appearance, and our orthodontist may suggest an appointment for a Forsus appliance in Houston, Texas, to help solve the problem. This can be a very effective treatment for young people and can be used in conjunction with braces to improve your child’s smile. If you would like to meet with Dr. Aaron Laird to discuss this treatment, contact Laird Orthodontics at 281-392-1155.

If your child is dealing with a misaligned bite, our orthodontic solution might involve the use of Forsus appliances. These specialized devices play a crucial role in bite correction. Unlike removable options, Forsus appliances are fixed in place and function similarly to elastics. Typically, these appliances are recommended to encourage growth, rectify overbites and enhance the overall alignment of the teeth. The primary objective of Forsus appliances is to negate the potential need for future surgical interventions involving the jaw.

The mechanics of a Forsus appliance involve a spring that is affixed to the upper molar bands. These springs are positioned on both sides of the mouth, facilitating the movement of the jaw towards an optimal bite configuration. Primarily intended for adolescents, Forsus appliances are generally introduced within six months of commencing orthodontic treatment. The duration of wearing a Forsus appliance varies, spanning from six to nine months, contingent on the severity of the individual case. Regular appointments with our orthodontist are scheduled to monitor the appliance’s functionality and progress.

Expect some initial discomfort during the adjustment phase of wearing a Forsus appliance. However, this should not significantly impact your ability to eat or speak. As the treatment progresses, the Forsus appliance guides the jaw into the correct alignment, gradually restoring proper biting function.

For comprehensive information about Forsus orthodontic appliances and to set up a consultation with our orthodontist, reach out to our office today. Our team is dedicated to providing tailored solutions for your orthodontic needs, ensuring a healthier and more aligned smile for your child’s future.