Your gums are important and play a bigger part in your oral health than you may think. That includes your alignment. During your treatment, our orthodontist may recommend a visit to Laird Orthodontics for a diode laser treatment in Houston, Texas.

What do lasers have to do with orthodontics? Dr. Aaron Laird can use this treatment to remove excess gum tissue. While this can enhance the way your smile looks, it can also be used to expose more of a tooth’s surface for easier bracket placement. An impacted tooth can create problems when it comes to aligning your smile, and laser diode treatments can expose that tooth without the need for surgery.

The process is simple and easy. Our orthodontist will use the laser to gently and slowly remove the gum tissue. Some people may need a topical anesthetic, but for the most part, these treatments are painless. Some of the biggest advantages to using a laser include decreased bleeding and recovery time, a lower risk of infection, and increased comfort during your visit. If you would like to meet with our orthodontist and team to see if laser diode treatments could benefit your smile, contact our office at 281-392-1155.